Dock House
You probably already knew (by bajillions of posts) that I love Bowen’s Island Restaurant. What you may not know is that after a fire in 2006, they are rebuilding to LEED standards. More on that later. On Sunday, my parents and I drove out there so I could show them the progress, as well as talking to Robert Barber about holding my graduation party there.
When I first came to Charleston four years ago, I remember my friend Rebecca, who later took me to my first Bowen’s visit, talking about the terrible fire and wondering aloud if Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer had anything to do with it, since he had recently gone up against Barber in the 2006 re-election race (think of how different things would be with Barber in office instead of Bauer!
No relating kids on reduced lunch to stray dogs! Probably no Sanford BS!). No matter what, the restaurant went back to basics. But now it’s time for a change.
Center of the Universe: kitchen door, covered by employee graffiti
The fifty years worth of graffiti on the walls that generations of Charlestonians wrote is long gone, but architect Carl Janes is taking aspects of the old and incorporating it with his new ideas. The deck house has been enclosed by tin and the former main dining area has been rebuilt with handicap access.
Sophisticate: new lights on the enclosed deck house
It may become hipper than it has ever been before. Just keep the matches away from Andre. I can’t wait to grab a beer and a plate of fried seafood goodness in the new building.
Save McLeod Plantation sticker
After all the fuss, McLeod Plantation is not being purchased by College of Charleston. Thank God because I can’t stand another tuition hike.
The deck over the pluff mud
BREAKING NEWS: Robert Barber announces his candidacy for Comptroller General. “To be honest, I was very content running my restaurant and spending time with my kids and grandkids,” Barber said. “But I just can’t sit back and do nothing while South Carolina continues to saddle the next generation with debt because of a lack of leadership in the State Capitol ,” he said.
If you’re in the area, check it out.
I ate at Bowens Isl.Restaurant several years ago when in town for The Hunley crew burial,we loved the the roasted oysters.I’m going to be in the area again on my honeymoon this Sept.and we will be eating there.I want to share the great food/scenery with my soon to be husband and hope the oysters are available.