Having never been to the Charleston Museum and needing to check it off my Charleston list, I spent yesterday checking out their exhibits as well as touring the Joseph Manigault House.
It’s one of the oldest museums in the country and used to be housed at the College of Charleston. It’s a field trip staple for every Lowcountry school child.
I absolutely love the remnants of this statue that used to sit atop the cupola of the Charleston Orphan’s Home. This is all that’s left of Charity (she used to have one arm holding up a torch and another holding a child) but it reminds me of something I read in Traveling with Pomegranates.
The right whale skeleton is easily the most famous piece in the collection and greets you as you enter the museum. This giant right whale washed up in the Charleston harbor in the 1800s and the curator of the museum knew he had to have it.
Photo of the original museum at the College of Charleston, complete with the whale skeleton.
Gorgeous handmade quilt
I took a ton more pictures, including of the Aisle Style exhibit, which you can check out on my Picasa. Next I went to the Joseph Manigault House.
It is oddly shaped, but even more so on the inside.
The Temple Gate where guests were greeted
The back side of the house, where most guests arrived.
The cantilevered staircase by the formal entrance.
Gorgeous chandelier
After finishing up my tour, I took a little walk around the neighborhood.
Ashmead Place
Charlotte Street
I walked past this house on Chapel Street that had a bunch of skeletons hanging all over the place. Possible voodoo practitioner?
Cute old water fountain that actually worked!
That skeleton house is kinda creepy.
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