Plymouth may just be the most anticlimactic American monument in existence. The rock itself is in a gazebo surrounded by a fence and couldn’t be bigger than four by five feet tops. The fake rock we made for my third grade Thanksgiving play was more impressive (see below).
The town itself was the quaint yuppieness one expects from Massachusetts. Stores selling hermit crabs, pilgrim salt and pepper shakers, and salt water taffy lined the main drag. Eager tourists desperate to connect with the spot their ancestors stepped into the New World could climb aboard the replica Mayflower or take an audio tour to all the significant statues in town. Because believe me, there are dozens devoted to each and every Pilgrim aboard that ship.
You may call me a Masshole for not getting so into my American history, but I just expected more.
Yes, it seems quaint, but not exactly thrilling. I'm seeing a lot of blog posts about little trips within the U.S., and it's nice to learn more about fun places I can travel to on a budget.