I write packing lists every month over on Her Packing List and I’ve created a few here for specific trips (as I will for my upcoming San Francisco getaway), so you could call me a packing list expert. I’ve outlined the gear I use, but never gone into what items I bring on every trip. I thought I would create this post to show my go-to travel items and recommend them to you all!
Ear plugs
I’ve tried many different styles over the years but settled on the foam variety. The wax kind would always get stuck in my hair. I use them to avoid motion sickness, fall asleep and to keep my ears from popping.
Eye mask
I am someone who likes to sleep in complete darkness, so this eye mask helps me achieve that.

Sleep Aids
It’s difficult for me to fall asleep on planes, so I’ve used Tylenol PM, melatonin and most recently Sleep Well spray from Marz Sprays. It combines ingredients like melatonin and valerian root to help you fall asleep without feeling groggy the next day.

Water bottle
I always travel with a water bottle and my current version is a Sigg Traveler, which doesn’t have the metallic taste some other bottles have. I love being able to fill it up before boarding a plane instead of forking over $4 before AND after security!
Travel washcloth
Trekr is a quick-drying brand of washcloth that folds up into a tiny ball. I like being able to wash my face after I get off the plane so I don’t look like a zombie when I reach my destination.
I can’t live without the ability to listen to music, play Solitaire and watch movies on my iPod.
I usually pack at least two books for any given trip, sometimes up to four! Currently, I’m reading Frances Mayes’ Every Day in Tuscany. I had an e-reader for a while but it didn’t survive long in my backpack.
Light jacket or sweater
Planes are like movie theaters in that there’s always a draft somewhere. It’s good to have something to cover your shoulders, just in case.
Sometimes I substitute the light jacket with a scarf my grandmother bought me in Morocco, which is one of my prized possessions. It can be used to block out light or you can ball it up into a pillow. And it dresses up nearly every outfit, no matter the weather.
Moleskine notebook and pen
I can’t live without a pen and paper. I never know when inspiration will strike me.
Travel-sized toothbrush
I hate the fuzzy feeling my teeth get overnight so the first thing I do when I wake up, even if it’s on a plane, is brush my teeth.
Deck of cards
If the power dies on all my tech gear and I finish my books, that still leaves card games to keep me entertained. It also makes me popular with the hostel crowd when we want to play drinking games.
Travel pillow
I used a beanbag style pillow for years, but it took up so much room that I switched to inflatable.
Grid It
Kristin Luna introduced me to this organizational tool that I have since purchased and am using as a purse organizer. It’s good for keeping all your cords from getting tangled.
I carry many of these items as well – Kindle, iPhone, toothbrush and paste, ear plugs, sleeping mask, a notebook, scarf, water bottle. Recently I’ve added extra-warm socks to my bag after one particularly chilly flight.
I also didn’t mention that I usually pack an extra pair of underwear in case they lose my luggage :)
Great list. I too need total darkness to sleep so an eye mask is important. I usually try to trave with just my carry on, so I make sure to have everything I need with me. But no matter what I always carry some small toiletries, my electronics (yes to the ipod and my camera), a change of clothes and my essentials (passport, etc) in my carry-on.
I had some of the items on my bag too. Before going somewhere, traveling or what I’ll make sure that all things that I need are all pack up and ready.