While some years, I find writing this post uplifting, this year I’m borderline depressed thinking about how little has changed since I turned 27 things. I still live at home. I still work the same seasonal job. Sure, there have been travel, blog and career highs this year, but the basics are the same.
As I enter my 27th year, I actually have to start thinking about what I want my future to look like. Many of my friends have husbands, houses and children. I, on the other hand, could fit all of my belongings into a small moving van. And that’s okay.
This year has been surreal at times. After I got home from Asia shortly before my birthday last year, I went straight back to work. But it wasn’t long before I got invited on some amazing press trips, including one to Malaysia. It was the best I’ve ever been on, as I was introduced to a beautiful country and new friends.
In terms of what I’ve accomplished from last year’s list, I feel pretty good about it. I’ve reached my goal of making the majority of my income from writing (#1), made an attempt at brewing beer (#3), learning to say no to projects not worth my time and to things I can’t fully commit to (#5), and getting headshots taken (#15).
I attended more concerts this year (#16), including seeing Ryan Adams and Jenny Lewis together, attended my five year college reunion (#22), learned my DSLR settings (#23) and booked a public speaking gig (#24) at Travel Industry Exchange in September. I also added three new states to my list (#26): Oklahoma, Arkansas and Mississippi.
But that isn’t to say I have fully succeeded. I haven’t pushed myself to be more social (#2), which I still kick myself about. I didn’t get published in a dream publication (#6) mostly due to overbooking myself. I didn’t create e-books (#25), but this is still something I hope to do! And here are a few goals I hope to realistically accomplish before turning 28.
1. Move out! It’s about time. I’ve lived on my own before but have lived with my parents on and off for the last 4 years. I need to know that I can survive on my own as a writer.
2. Quit my backup jobs. I also haven’t moved out because I’ve been relying on these backup jobs instead of fully diving into writing. While they’ve been great for that scary post-college time period, I need to stop falling back on them.
3. See more of the United States. Seeing Oklahoma and everything on the way reminded me of just how little of my own country I’ve seen. I am particularly interested in going out west, as I may be attending a friend’s wedding in Wyoming next year.
4. Go on one of my “dream trips.” For the last ten years, I’ve had pictures of India, the Trans-Siberian Railway, South Africa, Santiago de Compostela, and Machu Picchu on my bulletin board. It’s time to make at least one of these happen!
5. Earn enough money on my blogs to pay guest writers. This is more about This Is My South than Caroline in the City, but as a fellow writer, I want to be able to pay my writers.
6. Figure out all my health problems. For the last five or so years, I’ve dealt with a number of health issues, but mostly limited to eczema and stomach issues. I’ve changed my diet by eliminating dairy, but I hope to figure out what else that I eat is making it happen. My friend Heather has gone through something similar, changing her diet completely. An allergy test is also way overdue for me.
7. Set up plans for the future. No, this doesn’t mean I’m slowing and settling down with a house. But maybe one day. Since I’m self-employed, I need to start thinking about retirement (crazy, I know). I want to set up a 401K or some type of account to start to put money into.
8. Take more selfies. I won’t ever be that girl posting daily photos of my outfits, mostly because they consist of the same 5 items, but I need to become more comfortable in front of the camera. I have friends on Instagram who seem so confident, posting pictures of themselves in places around the world. I’m much more comfortable behind the camera.
9. Write letters to friends. I used to be so good at sending snail mail to friends and family far away. Life has caught up with me, but I’d like to start this again.
10. Send a new writing pitch every month. The only way I’m going to make it as a writer is if I’m pitching new ideas and working with clients I already have. It’s the scariest part of being a writer!
11. Find a type of workout I actually enjoy. I’ll admit that despite the fact that I’ve run many races, I don’t really enjoy running. I used to love dancing, so maybe some sort of cross between dance and yoga.
12. Establish some form of personal style. If you asked me four years ago what my style was, I would have said vintage grandma sweaters and flowery headbands. Since then, I’ve more or less learned to dress for my body (hourglass/pear). But I’d like to find my look as an adult with a few key pieces.
13. Be a joiner. I’ve never been the one to join clubs and organizations to fill my time. I feel like every minute is booked. But I may have been missing out on opportunities and new friends this way. I have signed up for writer meetups before but bailed at the last minute. And I’ve only recently gone to my first local alumni chapter event.
14. Visit somewhere most people wouldn’t go. I think about going to Iran for the architecture and history, to Mexico City for the food, to South Africa for the culture. I want to prove to people that most of these places aren’t “dangerous.”
15. Take more trips for fun, not work. Last year, I only took one trip without my laptop and that was to Puerto Rico. I need to take more trips for me. If I get a story out of them, that’s fine, but it’s hard to force one out while you’re working on the road.
16. Earn money from my expertise. I already earn money for my expertise on certain travel topics as a writer, but I’d also like to work behind the scenes in pairing bloggers with PR folks, especially in the South. If you’d like to hire me to work on a campaign, let me know!
17. Spend more time around people. As an introvert, I could happily sit by myself with a book or my laptop for hours without speaking to another human being. But there’s so much good that comes from being around people that get you.
18. Learn to love a new vegetable every month. I was such a picky eater as a child that there are so many things I don’t eat as an adult. I want to force myself to try more new things, especially healthy ones. Once I’ve had it prepared in a way I like, I’m more likely to try it again.
19. Compile a book of essays. I’ve already started, but I would love to write a book of essays about my life and travels, mostly from a self-deprecating, humorous perspective. Hopefully, this is something people would actually want to read.
20. Take Amtrak. Despite taking trains all over the world, specifically in Europe and Southeast Asia, I’ve never taken the train in America. I’m specifically interested in the route between Memphis and New Orleans.
21. Become more comfortable with compliments. An ex of mine would talk about how annoying it was that I couldn’t just take a compliment. When you say I look nice, I get awkward and mumble a “thanks” in a funny voice.
22. Sleep more. I’ve never been one of those people who can sleep all day. Either I stay up late and sleep all day or go to sleep early and wake up early. My average night’s sleep is 7 hours. I’m getting old and tired. Time to go to bed starting at 9:45.
23. Couchsurf again. I did it one time in Los Angeles on my way to Australia and would definitely try it again, not for the cheapness (free-ness?) of it, but more for the community of like-minded travelers.
24. Follow a routine. It’s hard when you’re traveling and a freelancer, but I need some sort of routine to be productive. It would start with working out, eating a full breakfast and setting work hours for writing and answering emails.
25. Treat myself every month. I am so terrible about keeping up things like haircuts and nails. I want to start remembering to do these things every month and spend a day just relaxing.
26. Collaborate. I want to work with my fellow bloggers and writers to create new ideas and concepts. I’ve started to do this with a few friends, but I need to see it through. I feel like the best things come from collaboration.

27. Make plans for the weekends. I’m not the person in my friends to organize things for the group to do like tubing down the river or going to a wine tasting. I want to take a more active role this year instead of just doing things by myself.
28. Spend my 28th birthday somewhere fabulous. For the last seven out of nine years, I’ve been at work. Once I quit, the first order of business is to plan next year’s celebration!
Is there anything else I need to add to my list? Thanks for reading for another year older (and maybe wiser).
Caroline, I’ve always loved that you’ve created these lists, and it’s a nudge for me to create one for the next year, even though it’s not a birthday. I’ve been thinking about goals (big and small) a lot recently, especially during our recent trip to Australia.
Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you want to talk about the health stuff. I’ll be working with a new doctor soon to continue digging deeper!
Great list! I think you should combine #4 and #28 and go on one of your dream trips for your 28th birthday. Just sayingggg
Happy belated birthday! I hear you on so many of these. Enjoy 27 and looking forward to seeing where you end up at 28!
This is an interesting list. I am past 28 but I have managed to do quite alot of what you mentioned. Happy birthday!
Hi Caroline,
I was just Googling ‘potential life goals’ and came across your blog by happenstance. It’s sheer blessing that I did though. I’m so inspired by your blog/channel that I’ve ventured to create a list of 28 somethings to complete in my own (I’m turning 28 in 3 months.) I blog and enjoy travel, so definitely would love to be a guest contributor, and hope to connect soon. Keep at it!
Fellow sister in blog,
I think I’ll do most of your list. I’m not one to go out and travel but I’ve planning to do so for the longest time. I’ll try to celebrate my remaining youth, less routinely and more memorable. Amen to taking pictures and getting compliments, dunno why it feel so awkward always.