I’ve now been doing this for over a decade and this post marks my eleventh goal setting as a writer. This year has mostly been about getting my finances in order and really focusing on my business. I didn’t have as many new outlets as in years past, but I had several stories I was proud of.
Sadly, Hemispheres shuttered, which was one of my favorite outlets, and another outlet cut my stories and started scrubbing several from the website. I started writing for THOM Magazine, Time Out, Smart Luxury, and Modern South.

I sent around 272 pitches and May was my best month, but I also worked on two books during this time period so there were some months when I only sent a handful. Speaking of which, my next book A Boozy History of Atlanta: People, Places & Drinks that Made a City, is set to be published in April.
I also traveled extensively to Belize, Mexico (twice!), Argentina, Chile, and Argentina. And that doesn’t include the hundreds of miles I covered around the Southeast from Texas to West Virginia.
For more writing goals from previous years, see the editions from 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. See almost all of my work on my Contently page and follow along on my professional website.

What Worked This Year
Repitching Often
It’s not enough to pitch a story once. As soon as I get a rejection, I was fairly good about sending it elsewhere. This is something I should keep up because it’s rare that a story only has one possible outlet it works for.
Writing what I know
Apart from my stint working for the state tourism board, I think this is the most I’ve ever written about my home state of Georgia. And lucky for me, a lot is happening! I wrote several stories about the push to make Ocmulgee Mounds in Macon a national park and another about the Okefenokee Swamp.
I also got to flex my skills writing about the state for an upcoming Lonely Planet guidebook and for several digital articles. Through my book, I also developed a few drink recipes, which I’d like to do more of.
Pitching from book research
Since I worked on two books this year, a lot of my time was devoted to them. But it also gave me an opportunity to maximize my travel and research. For example, I wrote about Underground Atlanta, included in one of my books, for Fifty Grande. I’m working on another for Time Out and covered the Okefenokee for the Saturday Evening Post after visiting for a guidebook.
Staying in touch

This year, I’ve been able to work with fellow writers I’d previously traveled with, now in editorial roles. It pays to stay in touch! I’m very thankful for the kind folks who keep me in mind for writing assignments.
Writing Goals for 2025
Write a cover story
This has been on my list for a while. It will mostly apply to a magazine, but I think it’s doable. I still have two print stories that will come out at some point this year so who knows!
Make $50K just from writing
This is something I haven’t accomplished since before the pandemic, which makes sense. It’s harder and harder to make a living this way. But I’ve made it work in the past and I don’t see why I can’t again, especially as one of my side jobs winds down.
Write another longform story
The last one took it out of me but I feel like I’m better equipped for it now. Working on another book has helped me become better at note taking and keeping track of sources.

Work on a novel
I’ve participated in Nanowrimo a handful of times but never fully completed a project. This year I’d like to get close, picking up one I’ve done about 10,000 words of. I’m not sure it’s something I’d want to pursue for publication, but who knows!
Offer more services
I’ve done a few consulting calls in the past, but haven’t really been promoting it. So this is my official announcement! I’ve also offered writing classes before the pandemic that I wouldn’t mind starting up again. I’ve also written for tourism boards, which I hope to continue. If you’re interested in hiring me, visit the contact page of my professional website!
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