As my 30th birthday comes rushing towards me, I've started to think about the last decade of what's supposed to be the best time of your life. But I like to think the best is yet to come. Inspired by Christine's recent post, I'm talking about what I wish I hadn't done and the things I'm most proud … [Read more...] about 20 Accomplishments and Regrets of My Twenties
Exploring Lima’s Barranco Neighborhood
Anytime I explore a trendy neighborhood in the world, I have a tendency to compare it to other places. Saying Barranco is like Lima's Brooklyn is unfair to both Lima and Brooklyn, but it's a shorthand to explain the type of places you'll find there. Maybe even more like Shoreditch in London or … [Read more...] about Exploring Lima’s Barranco Neighborhood
A Millennial Getaway to St. Petersburg, Florida
Much of Florida gets a bad rap, conjuring images of pastel-wearing retirees (not that there's anything wrong with that!). But there's much more to it than that. On my last big Florida trip, I fell hard for Tampa, but this time around it was its sister across the bay: St. Petersburg. Considered … [Read more...] about A Millennial Getaway to St. Petersburg, Florida
Cusco, Peru for Gringas
Cusco, Peru is a place that just about every traveler to the country stops through on their way to Machu Picchu, but apart from a few days to acclimate to the altitude, travelers don't explore on its own. The hilly city is covered in orange tile roofs and cathedrals dating back centuries. Originally … [Read more...] about Cusco, Peru for Gringas
A Solo Getaway to Delaware’s Quaint Villages
Before arriving in Delaware, all I knew was that it was one of some 20-odd states I’d never stepped foot in. The small, long state, which was the country’s first, can be broken up into three counties. I visited Delaware’s Quaint Villages, or Kent County, in the middle of the state. I imagined … [Read more...] about A Solo Getaway to Delaware’s Quaint Villages