Having never been to the Charleston Museum and needing to check it off my Charleston list, I spent yesterday checking out their exhibits as well as touring the Joseph Manigault House. It's one of the oldest museums in the country and used to be housed at the College of … [Read more...] about A Day at the Museum
South Carolina
I Can’t Imagine That We Won’t Miss This
View of Myrtle Beach In case you were wondering, the song I quoted is Limbeck, "Coming from Tucson," which is one of my favorite songs. I included it for you. I am leaving today for my very last session with those crazy political geeks that have become like a family to me. I have been involved with … [Read more...] about I Can’t Imagine That We Won’t Miss This
Are You a Good Tourist or a Bad Tourist?
It's tourist season in Charleston and the fanny packs and Ohio State shirts are out in full swing. I was inspired by Twenty-Something Travel's tips on how to be a good tourist in Washington DC. I know Charleston has a lot of quirks, but here are my tips on how to stay on the … [Read more...] about Are You a Good Tourist or a Bad Tourist?
This Ain’t Your Granddaddy’s Bowen’s
Dock House You probably already knew (by bajillions of posts) that I love Bowen's Island Restaurant. What you may not know is that after a fire in 2006, they are rebuilding to LEED standards. More on that later. On Sunday, my parents and I drove out there so I could show them the progress, … [Read more...] about This Ain’t Your Granddaddy’s Bowen’s
Bridles and Britches
I hate horses. I figured I should admit that now before I tell you how much fun I had at Steeplechase. I know that makes me un-American. They scare the crap out of me because I've almost been knocked off of them multiple times. But I digress. Catching a ride on a pickup truck I … [Read more...] about Bridles and Britches