In my years of travel, I've become smarter about the animal encounters I engage in. I learned my lesson about riding elephants in Thailand and have avoided places like tiger "sanctuaries" and poorly run zoos and aquariums. So when I planned a trip to the Crystal River area in Florida, I was unsure … [Read more...] about How to Responsibly Visit Crystal River
31 Things to Do Before Turning 31
While this year has been full of highs, I can't lie. It's been tough mentally. My anxiety has reared its head again during this book writing process and I haven't dealt with it in the best of ways. I had a minor health situation and my dad had to have a major surgery, which was terrifying. We lost … [Read more...] about 31 Things to Do Before Turning 31
Behind the Curtain: July 2018
I’ve come to look forward to these monthly posts about what I’m into beyond travel because there’s so much more to my life than where I go, despite the fact that it’s something I love. It’s funny how many people respond with their obsessions or agree with mine! As with last month, I’m sharing … [Read more...] about Behind the Curtain: July 2018
20 Accomplishments and Regrets of My Twenties
As my 30th birthday comes rushing towards me, I've started to think about the last decade of what's supposed to be the best time of your life. But I like to think the best is yet to come. Inspired by Christine's recent post, I'm talking about what I wish I hadn't done and the things I'm most proud … [Read more...] about 20 Accomplishments and Regrets of My Twenties
Exploring Lima’s Barranco Neighborhood
Anytime I explore a trendy neighborhood in the world, I have a tendency to compare it to other places. Saying Barranco is like Lima's Brooklyn is unfair to both Lima and Brooklyn, but it's a shorthand to explain the type of places you'll find there. Maybe even more like Shoreditch in London or … [Read more...] about Exploring Lima’s Barranco Neighborhood